April 2022 Newsletter

April 2022 Newsletter

April 2022 Newsletter

April 2022 Newsletter

The closing of March brings to light things I’m most passionate about – speaking up and calling things out for what they are with the goal of improvement. Which is why I am thrilled about the theory discussed below, and its importance in the realms of both business and life. Additionally, the month of March shines the light on women – celebrating them, supporting them, and leveraging their many talents to aid our community.

Speaking up – that’s a big one. Is your inner dialogue speaking up when something’s off? And are you providing an environment for your people to approach you with solutions that contribute to your organization? As a leader, are you grounded enough to know when things are out of alignment, whether personally or as you lead your business? And taking it one step further, are you willing to do what it takes to Dx the so-called broken windows, the seemingly small issues that can mark the beginning of much more costly ones? The broken windows concept, discussed in length by one of my favorite authors, Malcolm Gladwell, expresses in the below read the need for businesses to deal with their smaller problems immediately to prevent them from spreading into something worse. If this is the sort of topic you would like to dig into and further address with process to improve your situation, do reach out!

We’re committed to doing our part in improving conditions for our female business owners, employees, and friends. And with the last couple of pandemic years disproportionately impacting women, it is crucial that now more than ever, we encourage and embrace the creativity that women bring to growing companies. Let us know if you would beneDt from talking through how to grow your teams, and in the meantime, check out the resources below we hope will get a dialogue going in support of women.

- Jessica Hornbeck, CEO & The BPR Team

Email Us!

Why Malcolm Gladwell’s ‘Broken Windows’ Theory Is Key
For Building A Better Business


BPR can help you with Tax Prep and Clean Up of Prior Year Financials. Tax Prep and Clean Up of Prior Year Financials. Getting you there sooner and more effectively, while leaving more money in your pocket.

Best Practices



Women's History Month

Money & Mindset for Women In Small Business
Discussing the different types of funding needed for each stage of growth and the mindset and moves needed to thrive.

Join Hello Alice on Thursday, March 31, 2022, at 2:30 p.m. ET for a webinar tackling the biggest challenge facing every entrepreneur: access to funding.
Register Here 

Access to Capital & Resources - Grants, Accelerators, Loans

Founders First Capital Partners
Prepare and invest in minority and women-owned businesses. Find out more info on their pitch contests, grants, and boot camps HERE.

Hello Alice
Our favorite resource for specific grant opportunities, check back often or sign up for their newsletter HERE.

KKR Small Business Builders Grant Program
$10,000 grants to support your woman-led small businesses

SCORE’s Webinar on How to Find and Get a Small Business Grant SCORE’s Webinar on How to Find and Get a Small Business Grant
Learn More 

SCORE’s webinar on How to Access Capital – Webinar SCORE’s webinar on How to Access Capital – Webinar
Learn More 

Workforce Partnership Programs
Check out these subsidized work programs in San Diego that allow employers to staff their Teams without bearing the entire cost burden, as well as similar programs offered in other cities.
Learn More

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