BPR April 2024 Newsletter – April Showers

BPR April 2024 Newsletter – April Showers

BPR April 2024 Newsletter – April Showers

BPR April 2024 Newsletter – April Showers

April showers bring May flowers. One yields the other. Hardships always bring opportunities for growth. The hard part is bringing that to mind while you’re in it. Force yourself to reframe away from the why me or just plain old resisting the situation mentalities.

And get moving. Physically and with next steps. Do not stay stuck! For me, the tendency to ruminate (this is unproductive, fyi) is extinguished the more I hike with our dog, torture myself at pilates, and just plain do things that get me out of my head, get me physically challenged, and exhausted. I do it again. I take bigger chances. More ideas. More failures. It gets easier. I get better. It gets more fun. Repeat.

Trust the process and do what you need to do to move through things. So that you can check out those pretty flowers, sooner.

Happy Spring, and here’s to planting some seeds!




Services, Tax & Legal Updates

Federal (IRS) Tax Filing Extension for San Diego taxpayers, June 17, 2024

  • The IRS announced tax relief for individuals and businesses in parts of California affected by severe storms and flooding that begin on Jan 21.

  • This is an automatic extension

  • More information HERE.

2023 Tax Preparation and Filing, and NEW Retirement Contribution Limits!

You have time to reduce your bottom line and protect owner Income until this year’s tax filing deadline, April 15, 2024 (June 17th for San Diego taxpayers).

  • Due to inflation and cost of living increases, the IRS has increased 2023 contribution limits (vs 2022) including catch up contributions for those > Age 50

  • Check out this helpful read that sums it up, and hit us up if you need help filing or pulling together accounting to get you there.

Legal – Workplace Training Requirements: Violence Prevention and Sexual Harassment

  • Workplace Violence: California's Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) recently published guidance to assist employers in complying with Senate Bill 553 ahead of the law's employer compliance date of July 1, 2024. More information HERE.

    • Requirements:

      • Develop a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan

      • Training Requirements

      • Incident Reporting and Record Keeping


  • Sexual Harassment: California law requires that all employers of 5 or more employees provide training to their employees regarding sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention

    • Every two years, non-supervisory employees must receive 1 hour of training & Supervisors must receive 2 hours of training.

    • FAQ’s from Civil Rights Department, State of California, HERE

  • Resources we like (and use): EasyLlama!

Resources - to help you NAVIGATE the landscape!

Communication - Work Hours, Good to Know!
A proposed California law would give workers the right to ignore work communications outside of work hours. Similar laws already exist in countries including France, Ireland, and Portugal.

Remote Work in 2024

  • According to Global Workplace Analytics, nearly 68% of surveyed employees have been successfully working remotely, which could be the future of work.

  • Research has identified both advantages and hurdles associated with remote work for both employers and employees. Learn more HERE.



Social Impact - How We Do Good

This section highlights how BPR gives back to the community every month, driven by our commitment to women and historically underrepresented entrepreneurs.

Founders First San Diego Bootcamp Pitch Competition

We’re excited to catch up with friends and founders with Jessica participating as one of this events judges. More information HERE.



Our People Spotlight - Team, Clients & Partners

Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)

Thank you Certified EOS Implementer and friend, Michel Kripalani for the 90-minute rundown of what the EOS Process can yield for our client community, and for the reminder on breaking up our ‘rocks’ into more digestible quarterly pieces. We love Traction and the EOS model. Feel free to reach out
directly, michel.kripalani@eosworldwide.com.



Cash Flow, Capital Resources & Small Biz Topics

Lendistry - Loans & Grants
Lendistry has a number of special programs and loans available to qualified business owners and entrepreneurs. More information HERE.

Founders First Capital Partners
Prepares and invests in under-represented PoC and women owned businesses. Find out more info on their pitch contests, grants, and bootcamps HERE.

Our CEO, Jessica enjoys being a subject matter expert on Financial Statements and KPIs, presenting to SoCal this past month, Chicago next month, and participating as a judge for an upcoming Bootcamp pitch event.

IFundWomen Universal Grant Application
Complete the IFundWomen’s Universal Grant Application and when there’s a grant that fits your business, they will notify you to apply for a specific grant.

Hello Alice
Get the Money You Need to Grow Your Business, Grants, Loans, and Credit Cards: HERE.

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