Best Practices for Protecting Yourself and Your Company While Working Remote

Best Practices for Protecting Yourself and Your Company While Working Remote

Best Practices for Protecting Yourself and Your Company While Working Remote

Best Practices for Protecting Yourself and Your Company While Working Remote

Beware of “phish”-ing

Email is one of the most commonly used channels for scammers to access networks and confidential information. Be cautious when viewing or sending emails from financial institutions, they will likely use a secondary verification means to confirm they are who they say they are.

Protect your personal information

Most companies that need to collect or access your personal information will have policies in place to securely retrieve that information. Be extra cautious when being asked for it and when in doubt contact the company directly.

Use unique passwords

Create passwords that are easy for you to remember but hard to guess. Keep in mind that information such as your birthdate, birthplace or your mother’s maiden name are commonly used and easy for scammers to get. Use a phrase or lyrics that are meaningful to you replacing some letters with special characters

Be cautious of your surroundings

Keep in mind that your computer screen can be seen by others so be careful what information you’re viewing in public places.

Use personal wifi over public wifi

Protect your information by using your personal wifi when working in public places. Information is easily intercepted by hackers when being transmitted over free and public wifi.

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