BPR January 2023 Newsletter - The Power of Pause, (Instead of Resolutions)

BPR January 2023 Newsletter - The Power of Pause, (Instead of Resolutions)

BPR January 2023 Newsletter - The Power of Pause, (Instead of Resolutions)

BPR January 2023 Newsletter - The Power of Pause, (Instead of Resolutions)

Most of us will agree how nice it feels to have a moment to ourselves to do nothing, to breath, be still and enjoy the simplicity life offers. The problem is most of us are too busy doing. The whirlwind that can be the holiday season leaves many of us exhausted. Why add to that with more to do in the form of (probably unrealistic or unsustainable) resolutions for the New Year the minute it’s 2023? What would it look like and how much smoother can this year go if you - instead, took time this month to pause and consider what/who you spend your time on, is it a good use of your energy, and are you showing up in an emotional or ego driven way holding on to tasks and people that no longer serve you or your desires? You can apply this test to both your biz and personal life. If you’re doing it right the results should lead you to the formula Grow. Soar. Consolidate. Rinse. Repeat and keep getting better. Another good reason to pause is the receptivity (and growth) that come from being open, listening, taking it in and learning. Did you know one of the criteria that separates A players (star performers) from B players (the putting out fires always busy type) is the number of books read? The magic number is approx. 2books per month. There is power in pause, consideration and letting the wisdom all around and within us sink in. We hope this gets you excited about slowing down and potentially creating more space for yourself and your teams. Check out the resources below to help along the way - from quick tips to help you manage email more efficiently to our very own BPR reading list (LINK TO READING LIST HERE). Happy New Year! Let’s make it the best one yet.

- Jessica Hornbeck, CEO & The BPR Team



Services & Resources

Advisory Corner

Our advisory team (CFO, COO, HR, Project Mgmt, IT) supports our clients on pertinent concerns proactively and strategically with one-on-one consulting, resources, implementation and accountability. Our Chief Financial Officer (CFO) team is currently working on 2023 Budgets that are achievable given the below timely topic. Reach out to explore how we can help you and your biz. HERE'S a Forbes read with more on what a Fractional CFO can do for you.






Tax Preparation/Filing and Full Year Accounting Update

Reach out if you need to get your Accounting and Financials in order for the 2022 tax filing season.  We will seamlessly prepare and timely file 2022 tax returns Fall 2023 for clients joining by March 31, 2023.



Best Practices

2023 Human Resources Updates and Due Diligence

  • Minimum Wage - California’s minimum wage will increase to $15.50 for all employees, effective January 1, 2023.

  • Transparency -  Senate Bill 1162 requires California companies with more than 15 employees to post salary scales and ranges for job listings. The law aims at creating pay equity and more transparency for workers and prospective employees, especially women, and people of color. The law also requires companies to report pay data to better identify gender and race pay disparities. Under existing California law, employers were required to disclose pay scales to an applicant only under reasonable request.

  • Reminder - Make sure HR policies and Employee Handbooks are up to date, shared and accessible. Org Chart, Roles and Responsibilities should be kept up throughout the year.



Cash Flow, Capital Resources & Small Biz Topics

Retroactive ERTC

Employers may claim the 2020 ERTC until April 15, 2024, and the 2021 ERTC until April 15, 2025, up to three years after the original payroll taxes were due. We can help file (amended) Quarterly 941- X and have already processed refund claims for BPR Clients ranging from $50k-$100k for one or more quarters.


San Diego Angel Investors

Want to invest $200k in your company, apply HERE by January 19, 2023.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit

Federal tax credit available to employers who invest in American job seekers who have consistently faced barriers to employment. You must certify verification of new hire prior to receiving tax credit.

Hello Alice's Small Business Finance Marketplace
Create an account and answer the biz information to see what financing products you qualify for.

Accion Opportunity Fund
Low interest rates for this small business loan program partnered with AMEX.

Women's Net & Amber (Grants) - here's a list of 16 Grants for women biz owners
A list of 16 grants for women biz owners.

Founders First Capital Partners
Prepares and invests in under-represented PoC and women owned businesses.  Find out more info on their pitch contests, grants, and bootcamps:  

CDC Small Business Finance
An SBA lender, non-profit and advocate for entrepreneurs.

QBO Capital
Offers short to long term financing tied to your QBO merchant account, fast, easy, capital based on what you process.
More Information: HERE
Schedule Link: HERE

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