BPR July 2024 Newsletter – Strong roots are everything!

BPR July 2024 Newsletter – Strong roots are everything!

BPR July 2024 Newsletter – Strong roots are everything!

BPR July 2024 Newsletter – Strong roots are everything!

In addition to getting my dose of throwback 80s martial arts entertainment with my kiddo, I found myself, mid-program, immersed in the intensity of the reminder – strong roots are everything! For the adoring fans, yes - I am quoting Netflix’s Cobra Kai (the ruthless dojo from the Karate Kid series). For all of us – I’m curious what comes up as we consider how strong are our roots, and what do we need to do to re-align to what we want and deserve more of in our lives? This is one of the gazillion things I ponder, especially on my walk around the neighborhood, where I make it a point to pause and say hello to my beautiful tree friend – grounded in its foundation and power, able to withstand storm, shedding and emerging stronger, time and again. Collectively, our roots are our thoughts, our relationships beginning with self, the things that hold our attention, and the ability to come to center and course correct as needed, so that we can partake with freedom and joy in the life we so deserve and are capable of. “This is what we have that Cobra Kai does not. Their movement mile wide, but only inch deep. But our movement, inch wide, but mile deep.”

- Chozen Toguchi

- In your corner



PS: Look out for our next newsletter in September, and enjoy the rest of your summer!

Services, Tax & Legal Updates

Estimated Tax Payments

Are due next on September 15th. Please let us know if you need help determining what you should be paying, and if cash flow is of concern, check out Resources below, or reach out to get a plan in place prior to year-end!

2024 Half Year Strategic Tax Planning Reviews

It’s that time to review June YTD 2024 results and update your strategic tax plan, in advance of year-end. 

Pros include:

  • Time to course correct – drive income, cut costs

  • Take advantage of tax credits N/A in future years (ie., pandemic related)

  • Manage expectations re: tax liability for the year

  • Good Cash Flow management Ability to implement new strategies (restructuring, owner income protection)

Cons include:

  • Running around like a crazy person in December

  • Not enough time to execute on opportunities

  • Being surprised with a large tax bill

  • Even with an Installment Payment Arrangement, potential for unexpected reduction to cash flow exists.

BPR Clients:

  • We’ll be in touch offline along w highlights to consider for the period. Or you can book a Discovery Chat with us HERE to discuss how BPR can jump in and help, based on your business’ current Financial and Tax situation.


Legal –  BOI Reporting

  • The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) created a new filing and reporting requirement for ALL businesses.

  • This new filing requirement is referred to as the Beneficial Owner Information (BOI) report. More info on the filing HERE.  

  • Who is required to file a BOI report? Every corporation, LLC, or other entity formed with the Secretary of State! BPR can help you file!


Integrity is at the top of our list in things we seek in our People, Community, and Clients. This article, HERE gets it right.


Cash Flow and Capital are Key. Stock your coffers! Check out this read and what you can do to get your foundation solid: HERE.

What Makes for Good Process?


Need help developing and/or organizing your  Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)? Review BPR's SOP template HERE.

Social Impact - How We Do Good

This section highlights how BPR gives back to the community every month, driven by our commitment to women and historically underrepresented entrepreneurs.

Junior Achievement & CSUSM

Jessica Zoraida (and local High School students) enjoyed some lively and invaluable real talk on Credit & Debt as they prepare for college.  Thank you to Junior Achievement and California State University San Marcos for running this essential annual financial literacy program and for including BPR!  We love collaborating with CSUSM’s COBA (College of Business Administration)  and are stoked for our 2nd yr with the senior experience project, more to come this Winter. If your business is interested in sponsoring a senior project, more information HERE.


Our People Spotlight - Team, Clients & Partners

The Movement Effect

Shout out to our new friend, Julie Turner for the work she’s doing with The Movement Effect – revolutionizing trauma-recovery for DV survivors with the healing power of movement. It’s an honor to serve on the BoD of this impact driven 501c(3). Learn more HERE

Cash Flow, Capital Resources & Small Biz Topics


SBA 504 or 7(a) Loans

SBA 504 or 7(a) Loans – for property, business acquisition, equipment, working capital.  Now up to 100% financing based on credit. 

  • 504 - Loans

  • 7a - Loans

CA Small Business Loan Match

More information HERE.

Lendistry - Loans & Grants

Founders First Capital Partners

Founders First Capital Partners prepares and invests in under-represented PoC and women owned businesses. Find out more info on their pitch contests, grants, and bootcamps HERE. 
Lendistry has a number of special programs  and loans available to qualified business owners and entrepreneurs. More information HERE.

Small Business, Women, PoC Certifications

These certifications provide access to government contracts and more visibility.  SBA WOSB Certification – could help w Federal contracts Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) Certification California Small Business Certifications

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