BPR June 2023 Newsletter – Halfway there or Halfway where?!

BPR June 2023 Newsletter – Halfway there or Halfway where?!

BPR June 2023 Newsletter – Halfway there or Halfway where?!

BPR June 2023 Newsletter – Halfway there or Halfway where?!

Whether or not you’re in disbelief, it’s here! The question is – are you halfway there (where you want to be)? Or halfway nowhere? And why? If you’re hearing Talking Heads’ ‘Once in a Lifetime’, “Well, how did I get here?”, odds are answers can be found on the below graphic.

The hard work, the behind-the-scenes stuff most do not see, is incremental, and over time, seemingly small progress at any given point guarantees an easier long-term. Overnight success is rare but that’s what it looks like from the outside. Don’t concern yourself with that, because you’ve got to enjoy what you’ve created from a willingness and follow through to do the hard things, have the hard conversations, fall, pivot, and get better.

Sometimes, we aren’t so courageous. We’re tired. Or we simply do not know what we do not know – we’re unconsciously incompetent. We take the easy route, procrastinate, look the other way, lean on hope as a strategy or partake in the blame game a bit too much.

There are indeed times when choosing the path of least resistance, and choosing your battles are the wise moves. Knowing the difference will keep us from digging a hole that is too big to climb out of.

So, with a half year under our belt, let’s check in, tighten up where needed, and do better. Check out this month’s Resources to help you shake things up here.

Let us know how else we can be of support! - Jessica Hornbeck, CEO and the BPR Team.

Financial and Operations/Process Consulting

Did you know that 88% of spreadsheets have errors? Looking at large companies, up to 50% of spreadsheets used there, have fatal flaws that remain undetected*. This translates to both financial and operational losses – money, time, and efficiency. (*Source: CNBC.com)

Book a Discovery Chat HERE to learn how BPR can help you get lean and avoid waste.

Accounting and Tax Prep

Are you up to speed on Meals and related post-pandemic tax deductions (for 2023)? You could be spending money you don’t have by owing more taxes than you were prepared for.


Retroactive ERTC

Employers may claim the 2020 ERTC until April 15, 2024, and the 2021 ERTC until April 15, 2025, up to three years after the original payroll taxes were due. We can file (AMENDED) Quarterly 941-X.  Even if you received the PPP, you may be eligible! 


Federal Pregnant Workers Fairness Act in Effect

Due to new rights granted under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, employers must display a new version of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC’s) “Know Your Rights” workplace poster.


People Strategy 

Are you taking into consideration the importance of Leadership Skills as you run and grow your organization?

Check out this Ideas Ted read: HERE

Productivity - TAKE A BREAK!

Cyber Security - Essential Tips to Protect against Phishing    As phishing attacks continue to rise, it is important to constantly remind your team members about the critical importance of staying vigilant against phishing attacks. Below we’ve included a BPR team email that you can use as a template to help educate and remind your team!

Our People Spotlight - Team, Clients & Partners

BPR Team

We are excited to finish the 1st half of 2023 strong and welcome Accountant, Chris Delea to the BPR team! Chris brings 15 years of Corporate Accounting expertise to our growing East Coast team!

ShoreBreak Insurance

Our friend TJ Jeremiah of Shorebreak Insurance, confirmed a saving of 30% or $200k on a Workers Compensation policy for a local San Diego based Construction company! Insurance reviews are ongoing for Clients so let us know if we can help you!

Cash Flow, Capital Resources & Small Biz Topics

Small Business Growth Fund

$5k-$25k grants available to small businesses generating <$1M and committed to community. Applications for the current round are open through July 21, 2023, LINK HERE.

Hello Alice Small Business Loans

Check out options HERE.

Accion Opportunity Fund

Low-interest rates for this small business loan program partnered with AMEX, LINK HERE

CDC Small Business Finance

An SBA lender, non-profit and advocate for entrepreneurs, LINK HERE.

Founders First Capital Partners

Prepares and invests in under-represented PoC and women-owned businesses. Find out more info on their pitch contests, grants, and bootcamps HERE.  Our CEO, Jessica Hornbeck enjoys being a subject matter expert on Financial Statements and KPIs for this impact-making cohort.


Is showing up for small biz, especially those that need it most. Check out what loan programs you may qualify for HERE

Marcus by GS Savings Is offering 4-5% on account, a higher than normal return on your business capital, LINK HERE.



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