BPR June 2024 Newsletter – You’re knocking, but are you communicating in a way that your People hear you?

BPR June 2024 Newsletter – You’re knocking, but are you communicating in a way that your People hear you?

BPR June 2024 Newsletter – You’re knocking, but are you communicating in a way that your People hear you?

BPR June 2024 Newsletter – You’re knocking, but are you communicating in a way that your People hear you?

As we continue with the theme of growing our people, communication has been our latest topic of exploration and one that we can always get better at. Even if you pride yourself on being a clear communicator, there is no doubt that you will be misunderstood at one time or another. It’s a delicate dance of saying what you mean, conveying it properly with emotion and tone so that it’s well received, all the while reading the room and pivoting real time, while on a video call that’s being recorded – and without damaging the person, situation, or relationship in the event you inevitably mess up.

Accept this will happen. All you can do is get better, next time, and the time after that. Check out this month’s Resources below to kick start your efforts and build that communication muscle memory. Hit us up as needed, we are here for you in all ways, always!


Services, Tax & Legal Updates

Federal (IRS) Tax Filing Extension for San Diego taxpayers, June 17, 2024, less than a week away!

  • This is an automatic extension. For those not ready to file until the Fall and help you file an accurate return.

  • Tax relief for individuals and businesses in parts of California affected by severe storms and flooding that begin on Jan 21.

  • More information HERE.

Federal Retirement Plan Start Up Tax Credits – SECURE Act 2.0
Increases existing tax credit from 50% to 100% of retirement plan start-up costs, capped at $5k/yr for three years, up to $15k. Businesses with <50 employees, may receive a new tax credit as a % of employer contributions, up to $1k/employee for those paid <$100k, phase out for those >$100k. Additional $500/yr tax credit for electing autoenrollment, up to 3yrs, or $1.5k total. More information HERE.

Legal – Workplace Violence Prevention
Safeguard your workplace, avoid fines, and foster a culture of safety as your organization becomes compliant with
California SB553 which goes into effect July 1, 2024. In an effort to create safer work environments, the legislation mandates a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP) that is unique to each workplace, plus mandatory training on the plan for employees. SB 553 applies to nearly all companies in California. More information HERE.


Resources - to help Communicate and Retain your People effectively & clearly!

Why Workers Quit?

More information HERE.

Why aren't employees participating in Meetings?

Explore this article HERE from Harvard Business Review discussing why "Your Team Members Aren’t Participating in Meetings. Here’s What to Do". Additionally, this article HERE from HR Brew highlights that "Two-thirds of women are still uncomfortable discussing mental health at work".

What Actions can I take to support my People while driving Productivity?

  • Leverage collaboration and productivity tools to drive company success while providing your people with the resources they need to feel supported.

  • Individuals working in a collaborative setting are 50% more productive than working solo. They’re also more engaged, less fatigued and yield greater success.

  • Setting your workers up for success with the right equipment is another tactic Employers can easily tackle.

  • For more information about office productivity, read HERE.

Another easily overlooked strategy in Putting the Right People in the Right Seats
Take the time to understand what your Team is good at, what they’re not good at, what they think is working, and what needs improvement. What would it look like if you used that to guide your next strategic planning session? Take a look at this Big Picture Result's tool HERE, which we've been using internally for years to ensure we place the right people in the right roles.

Social Impact - How We Do Good

This section highlights how BPR gives back to the community every month, driven by our commitment to
women and historically underrepresented entrepreneurs.

Breaking Barriers - Creating Black Wealth
Sponsored by JPMorgan Chase & Co., the Breaking Barriers, Creating Black Wealth podcast episode with Jessica Zoraida digs into the required breaking of barriers along the journey from humble beginnings to becoming a successful Woman/PoC business owner and investor. Host Marlon Christopher Smith and Jessica discusses the criteria to invest in women or PoC owned businesses as well as what is critical for these businesses and entrepreneurs to strategically and effectively legacy plan.

Our People Spotlight - Team, Clients & Partners

Federal and State R&D Tax Credits
We mentioned last month, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is under review to revise the “Big Three” business tax provisions which includes R&D deductions (amortized). Let us know if you need help with Financials preparation, so that you can take advantage of R&D credits (returns amended up to 3years!). Determine your eligibility with one of our partner friends, Saas Tax Credits, HERE.

Cash Flow, Capital Resources & Small Biz Topics

The Creative Business Boost Initiative
$5,000 grants for 101 recipients, along w a 12wk business Boost Camp coaching program. Deadline June 21, 2024. More
information HERE.

FREE Business Accelerator & Grant Funding
Applications for the Antares REACH Boost Camp program, presented in partnership with Hello Alice and the Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN), are open. Program includes a 12-week digital growth accelerator where you’ll get access to expert-led sessions, education, mentorship, and peer support network. Plus, if accepted into the program, you’ll also have the opportunity to be considered to receive a grant up to $20,000. More information HERE.

SBA 504 or 7(a) Loans
For property, business acquisition, equipment, working capital. Now up to 100% financing based on credit. Let us
know if you need assistance with financial presentations/loan applications!

CA Small Business Loan Match
More Information HERE.

Lendistry - Loans & Grants
Lendistry has a number of special programs and loans available to qualified business owners and entrepreneurs.
More information HERE.

Founders First Capital Partners
Founders First Capital Partners prepares and invests in under-represented PoC and women owned businesses. Find out more
info on their pitch contests, grants, and bootcamps HERE.

Small Business, Women, PoC Certifications
These certifications provide access to government contracts and more visibility.

IFundWomen Universal Grant Application
Complete the IFundWomen’s Universal Grant Application and when there’s a grant that fits your business, they will notify you to apply for a specific grant.

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