BPR May 2024 Newsletter – Grow May Flowers (your people)

BPR May 2024 Newsletter – Grow May Flowers (your people)

BPR May 2024 Newsletter – Grow May Flowers (your people)

BPR May 2024 Newsletter – Grow May Flowers (your people)

Last month’s hardships bring this month’s growth. Even the seemingly inconsequential hardships - such as my regularly tripping over my own feet during hip hop class, yield fruit and seeds that blossom in us and others. Owning our wholeness (even those parts that are a hot mess) is key to fully engaging authentically with our lives, and with our people – all the while learning and enjoying the ride! We’re more apt to embrace the things that need to be worked on with openness and collaboration, and we’re a lot more fun to be around. This is where it gets good. Cheers to the good leaders out there that keep it humble, real, and that know that everyone we meet knows something we don’t. We’re sharing resources below to support you as you invest in and grow your biggest asset – your people.



Services, Tax & Legal Updates

Federal (IRS) Tax Filing Extension for San Diego taxpayers, June 17, 2024

  • The BPR Accounting team can help ensure you are maximizing your deductions timely.

  • The IRS announced tax relief for individuals and businesses in parts of California affected by severe

  • storms and flooding that begin on Jan 21.

  • This is an automatic extension

  • More information HERE.

Is under review to revise the "Big Three" business tax provisions: R&D deductions (amortized), bonus depreciation gone after 2025, and business interest deductions.
More information HERE.

Legal – Non Compete banned by FTC 

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently issued a final rule to promote competition by banning noncompetes nationwide, protecting the fundamental freedom of workers to change jobs, increasing innovation, and fostering new business formation. More information HERE

Resources - to help LEAD your People!

Bosses - Did you Know?
According to SHRM mental health research, 35% of employees say their jobs have a negative effect on their mental
health. More information HERE.

What can you do? How to Lead! 

Leaders who understand and manage their emotions well are equip to cultivate environments where where individuals feel empowered and safe to contribute beyond their assigned roles. Discover strategies for becoming a proactive leader in a reactive work setting, as featured in Forbes. Read more HERE.

Explore this article HERE from Forbes featuring "5 Books to Enhance Your Leadership Skills."

Do Your People need help ‘owning’ their skills, values, wants? 

A 'Hype Doc', can help everyone gets clear sooner on the best seat for each of your People by  reflecting on past achievements, setting goals, and defining success criteria. For more information about Hype Docs, read HERE.  

The Hype Doc is divided into 3 primary phases:

  • NOW: The bulk of the Hype Doc, which comprises of achievements now and in the past.

  • NEXT: What I want to accomplish in the next horizon (usually a few quarters).

  • FUTURE: Long-term career aspirations to keep in mind.

Social Impact - How We Do Good

This section highlights how BPR gives back to the community every month, driven by our commitment to women and historically underrepresented entrepreneurs.

Hosted by Lexy Franklin, Founder and CEO of Sidebar, alongside Ha Nguyen, Chief Evangelist, Jessica, participated in Sidebar's first San Diego community gathering! Jessica will soon be featured in the upcoming Sidebar member spotlight, sharing her positive experiences as a Founding Sidebar member.

Our People Spotlight - Team, Clients & Partners

Happy Mother's Day!
We're delighted to announce that Jessica Knutson, who has been an integral part of our team for four years, recently conquered the LA Marathon! In honor of Mother's Day, we celebrate her remarkable achievement and extend warm wishes to all the amazing mothers out there. Happy Mother's Day!

Cash Flow, Capital Resources & Small Biz Topics

SBA 504 or 7(a) Loans
For property, business acquisition, equipment, working capital. Now up to 100% financing based on credit.  Let us know if you need assistance with financial presentations/loan applications!
504 - Loans
7a - Loans

CA Small Business Loan Match

More Information HERE.

Lendistry - Loans & Grants

Lendistry has a number of special programs  and loans available to qualified business owners and entrepreneurs.
More information HERE

Founders First Capital Partners

Prepares and invests in under-represented PoC and women owned businesses. Find out more info on their pitch contests, grants, and bootcamps HERE

Our CEO, Jessica enjoys judging on pitch competitions and being a SME on Financial Statements and KPIs for this national accelerator cohort.

Small Business, Women, PoC Certifications

These certifications provide access to government contracts and more visibility. 


IFundWomen Universal Grant Application 

Complete the IFundWomen’s Universal Grant Application and when there’s a grant that fits your business, they will notify you to apply for a specific grant.

Hello Alice 

Get the Money You Need to Grow Your Business, Grants, Loans, and Credit Cards: HERE.

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