BPR November Newsletter 2023

BPR November Newsletter 2023

BPR November Newsletter 2023

BPR November Newsletter 2023

Let us give thanks, and to do so, as often and as heart open as possible! We know the deal – living in gratitude and being able to keep thankful allows in more of the good stuff. Did you also know that givers are more successful? They add value to the quality relationships they are a part of, because of said giving in action, and create more success for those around them.

So, give - to your people, your community, and however you can and are able. Our favorite way of giving to our people (team, clients and friends) is the gift of grace. If you need time, additional support/explanation, or a place where you are truly met where you’re at so you can take it from there and thrive, we got you, just hit us up!

- Jessica and the BPR team

Services, Tax & Legal Updates

Year-End Tax Planning with BPR

Financial Planning & Analysis – BPR can help you strategically plan for growth, w/o fear of Debt!

  • Hiring, Cost Management, Pricing, Cash Flow Forecasting

  • One on one CFO support, customized, and project based

  • Check out this read on Debt mindset: HERE

Legal – NEW Legal Requirement, re: Corporate Transparency Act

  • Business Owner Information (BOI) required on LLC members

  • Effective January 1, 2024, or face fines $150/day

  • More info: HERE



Gamification (Wikipedia)
Is the strategic attempt to enhance systems, services, organizations, and activities by creating similar
experiences to those experienced when playing games in order to motivate and engage users. 

How we do @ BPR

  • Bonusly –Team members appreciation from others translates into points and gift cards.

  • Icebreakers – always warm up the room prior to Zoom meetings, our latest was Thanksgiving cooking

  • mishaps.

  • Cash – we pay out bonuses to staff that exceed efficiency expectations!

  • Team Offsites – we take work on the road, get creative and talk it through out loud in a new environment.


Social Impact - How We Do Good

This section highlights how BPR gives back to the community every month, driven by our commitment to women and historically underrepresented entrepreneurs.

CSUSM Senior Experience Project, Q4 2023
We’ve been working with seniors as CSUSM and are looking forward to their business showcase next month!

Our People Spotlight - Team, Clients & Partners

We gave the rundown, tips and tricks to get you ready for upcoming tax season at The Film Hub in Downtown Vista.


Cash Flow, Capital Resources & Small Biz Topics

Founders First Capital Partners 
Prepares and invests in under-represented PoC and women owned businesses. Find out more info on their pitch
contests, grants, and bootcamps HERE

Our CEO, Jessica Hornbeck enjoys being a subject matter expert on Financial Statements and KPIs, presenting to
the New Jersey and Pennsylvania cohort next week.

Hello Alice & Stacy's Pita Chips
Grants to women founders in food and beverage. Apply HERE

Verizon Small Business Digital Ready
Courses, events, grant opportunities - more info HERE

DoorDash Restaurant Disaster Relief Fund
$10k restaurant disaster relief fund, More info HERE.

Hello Alice Small Business Funding
More info HERE.

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