BPR September 2024 Newsletter - Shaping the Future TOGETHER, Hispanic Heritage Month

BPR September 2024 Newsletter - Shaping the Future TOGETHER, Hispanic Heritage Month

BPR September 2024 Newsletter - Shaping the Future TOGETHER, Hispanic Heritage Month

BPR September 2024 Newsletter - Shaping the Future TOGETHER, Hispanic Heritage Month

We wrapped up the summer with our July newsletter touching on the importance of strong roots.  As we enter a new season, one that begins with the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month – I’m leaning into the richness in diversity and results strong roots yield, if nourished as needed. As a Latina who confuses others with what my race is depending on how much sun I get, I’ve had to explain to people my entire life that we are MANY colors and variations!  Growing up in NYC, I’ve not only become accustomed to the textures, cultures, and languages that make up that fabulous melting pot, but I have always and even more so today, embrace diversity and the differences that are essential to growing, prospering, and producing better fruit than we can produce alone. Differences in experience and perspectives are the driving force behind why diverse teams (and organizations) are able to pivot, adapt and perform better.  As data from McKinsey reveals, the top 25% of companies for ethnic diversity are 36% more likely to financially outperform their less diverse peers!  Now that’s something we can all rock with, as the data never lies.   Here’s some data confirming we must do better… Did you know that in 2023, the CEOs of the top 50 Fortune 500 companies include six white women, one Hispanic/Latino man, one Hispanic/Latina woman (here’s her story), three South Asian men, one black man, and one black woman?  For those of us growing companies or working our way up within them, we have work to do!

Let’s get it! And if you don’t know where to start, hit us up!



Services, Tax & Legal Updates

Estimated Tax Payments, Q3
Due September 16th.  Please let us know if you need help determining what you should be paying, or to get a plan in place prior to year-end!

Tax Preparation and Strategic Tax Planning
NOW is the time to file late returns as extensions have come due, or to review YTD 2024 Financials to avoid surprises in advance of year-end as recommended by BPR and the IRS HERE.

Did you know the IRS lowered its Audit threshold to $400k?! And is increasing Audits on bogus ERTC claims.
Check out these reads below: Audit threshold reducedAudits on ERTC claims

Resources - to help you NAVIGATE the landscape!

Diversity – WHY Diversity Leads to Better Performance

Explore the Forbes article HERE to learn more about how diversity enhances performance.

Data and Accountability (Metrics)
Consider this: review of Financials is reactive. Our proactive solution is building out a custom scorecard with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) or Metrics such as these examples, that you should review weekly.

Graphic by IFund Women Key Metrics, 2024


Social Impact - How We Do Good

This section highlights how BPR gives back to the community every month, driven by our commitment to women and historically underrepresented entrepreneurs. 

Jessica Zoraida’s participation in the Junior Achievement and CSUSM annual financial literacy program this past July led to yet another new, purpose driven and impactful opportunity.  Jessica is one of the newest Executives in Residence and is now a PT Professor at CSUSM’s COBA (College of Business Administration), leading Business Professional Development for students (predominantly 1st generation and historically disadvantaged populations) where we dig into all things career preparation and readiness!  It’s never too early to do something you love while uplifting others! 

Our People Spotlight - Team, Clients & Partners

As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re giving props where props are due to Aracelis Gutierrez with We Klean Inc., one of our OG clients (since 2016!) who has successfully scaled and differentiated her commercial cleaning company with commitment to process, people development and strategic financial/operational planning. 

Cash Flow, Capital Resources & Small Biz Topics

PepsiCo Juntos Crecemos Grant Program, $10k grants to 20 women-owned small businesses.  Applications open through September 27th. Apply HERE
Galaxy Grants, Small business funding for women and minority entrepreneurs. More information HERE.
Black Girl Ventures Pitch Program, crowdfunding meets pitch competition, $5k-$15k prizes for NYC and LA based entrepreneurs. More information HERE.
HerRise MicroGrant. More information HERE.
The Amplifier Grant. More information HERE.
US Chamber of Commerce Foundation – Small Business Readiness for Resiliency Program. More information HERE.
Fast Break for Small Business. More information HERE.
Secretsos™ Small Business Grant. More information HERE.
Female Founder World Grant. More information HERE.
Bold Beginnings. More information HERE.
Wish Local. More information HERE.

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