BPR September 2023 Newsletter – Financial Resilience, Hispanic Heritage Month

BPR September 2023 Newsletter – Financial Resilience, Hispanic Heritage Month

BPR September 2023 Newsletter – Financial Resilience, Hispanic Heritage Month

BPR September 2023 Newsletter – Financial Resilience, Hispanic Heritage Month

As we wrap up a busy summer with various discussions on financial literacy and resilience, I’m reminded how it all began decades ago – when there simply was not enough. Like most of us, including the fastest growing share of entrepreneurs - the 4.6M Hispanic and Latino-owned businesses in the US, I learned how to make a dollar out of fifty cents. I have been fortunate enough, thanks to lack - to become creative, relentless, and especially resourceful, because the boat of life will move forward whether we are onboard or not. We dedicate the below spotlight and resources to Hispanic Heritage Month and the power resilience holds for business owners everywhere.

We are here to support you, always in all ways - Jessica and the BPR team.



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Financial / Accounting checkup

A checkup is the 1st step getting dialed in PRIOR to year-end! Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect below:






Taxes – IRS Best Practices and Updates

  • IRS ends unannounced revenue officer visits to taxpayers

  • This major policy change from a decades-long practice aims to end confusion and enhance safety

  • Part of larger agency transformation efforts

For additional info, read the IRS announcement HERE


Taxes - Poor records cost Meals and Entertainment deductions

A recent ruling held for the IRS denied a salesman’s meals and entertainment expenses due to lack of proper substantiation, as follows for each meal.

  • Date

  • Amount paid

  • Name and address of establishment

  • Business purpose/agenda, relationship of parties





Financial Resilience Tips For Biz Owners




PEOPLE STRATEGY: The “Stay” (instead of Exit) Interview

Substitute exit interviews with four questions aimed at retaining employees. Read more, HERE!

Social Impact - How We Do Good

This section highlights how BPR gives back to the community every month, driven by our commitment to women and historically underrepresented entrepreneurs.

Better Business Bureau (BBB) 6th Annual Industrious Women's Summit, Aug 2023

Jessica, on a panel event speaking to Financial Resilience and the importance of getting learned up. Here’s a teaser clip, more on our social media pages.



Our People Spotlight - Team, Clients & Partners

Shout out to fellow Latino CEO, friend, Client, and Service Provider we love – Ryan Cowen of West Coast IT Group. Thank you for keeping BPR and our Client systems and data secure!



Cash Flow, Capital Resources & Small Biz Topics

How to Support Hispanic Small Business Owners (SCORE)

SCORE’s How to Support Hispanic Business Owners guide HERE.

Hispanic Heritage Foundation Small Business Grants for LatinX Business Owners

Tiktok and Hispanic Heritage Foundation team up in support of Latino small businesses across America: HERE.

SBA / Federal Contracting Programs and Funding Resources

More info HERE.

FedEx Entrepreneur Fund

$10k grant for military-connected small business owners or entrepreneurs with disabilities: HERE.

Hello Alice Small Business Loans

Check out options HERE.

Accion Opportunity Fund

Low interest rates for this small business loan program partnered with AMEX, LINK HERE.

CDC Small Business Finance

An SBA lender, non-profit and advocate for entrepreneurs, LINK HERE.

Founders First Capital Partners

Prepares and invests in under-represented PoC and women owned businesses. Find out more info on their pitch contests, grants, and bootcamps HERE.

Our CEO, Jessica Hornbeck enjoys being a subject matter expert on Financial Statements and KPIs, presenting to the New Jersey and Pennsylvania cohort next week.


Is showing up for small biz, especially those that need it most. Check out what loan programs you may qualify for HERE.

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