BPR Jan. 2024 Newsletter - Think Before You Do!

BPR Jan. 2024 Newsletter - Think Before You Do!

BPR Jan. 2024 Newsletter - Think Before You Do!

BPR Jan. 2024 Newsletter - Think Before You Do!

Happy New Year! Instead of coming up with a bunch of resolutions (we all know where most of those end up..), I invite you to take pause, integrate what you will from 2023, and consider what it would look like if you said no to more, or to those things that don’t spark joy or yield a good ROI on your time.

It all starts with examining HOW we spend our time, which got me thinking about actionable steps to get that much closer to desired sparked joy. The less things you have on your plate allows you to focus and get that ROI on your time. Actionable step: saying no. Other actionable steps: delegate what you’re not good at so you can focus on what you are good at = max ROI. Even better – look at the data and make decisions and use that to dictate future behavior – for yourself, your team, and the products/services you deliver to your Customers.

If you want to dig in further, check out this read from HBR on How CEO’s manage time, and give us a shout to learn how BPR can help you improve the ROI of your time and resources. And don’t forget to always build in a buffer for the unexpected (and reading, see below!).

Services, Tax & Legal Updates



2023 Tax Preparation / Filing, and NEW Retirement Contribution Limits!


  • You have time to reduce your bottom line and protect owner Income until this year’s tax filing deadline, April 15, 2024.

  • Due to inflation and cost of living increases, the IRS has increased 2023 contribution limits (vs 2022) including catch up contributions for those > Age 50

  • Check out this helpful read that sums it up, and hit us up if you need help filing or pulling together accounting to get you there.


Legal – NEW Legal Requirement, re: Corporate Transparency Act


  • The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) created a new filing and reporting requirement for ALL businesses. This new filing requirement is referred to as the Beneficial Owner Information (BOI) report. More info on the filing HERE.

  • Who is required to file a BOI report? Every corporation, LLC, or other entity formed with the Secretary of State!

  • BPR can help you file!



  • Dig into the science, read more HERE.

  • HERE's the BPR reading list of our latest and greatest recommendations, enjoy!


Social Impact - How We Do Good

This section highlights how BPR gives back to the community every month, driven by our commitment to women and historically underrepresented entrepreneurs.

CSUSM - Senior ExperienceProgram


Sponsored by BPR and in collaboration with the College of Business Administration at California State University San Marcos, students completed their senior project centered around financial literacy! More information about the CSUSM Senior Experience HERE.


Our People Spotlight - Team, Clients & Partners


CEO Peer Groups Are invaluable for getting actionable feedback from a variety of peers in a facilitated fashion. We attest to Don’s ability to drive results, love working with and recommending him!  You can request a Inner Circle sample session HERE, or add yourself to Strategic Result Group’s newsletter HERE.



Cash Flow, Capital Resources & Small Biz Topics

Hello Alice 
Get the Money You Need to Grow Your Business, Grants, Loans, and Credit Cards: HERE

Verizon Small Business Digital Ready 
Courses, events, grant opportunities, HERE.

Founders First Capital Partners 
Prepares and invests in under-represented PoC and women owned businesses. Find out more info on their pitch contests, grants, and bootcamps HERE. 

Our CEO, Jessica Hornbeck enjoys being a subject matter expert on Financial Statements and KPIs, presenting to the New Jersey and Pennsylvania cohort next week.

Amber Grant for Women
WomensNet proudly giving away at least $30,000 every month in Amber Grant money. More information HERE.

Novo simple business banking saves you time and money, up to $3,000 in perks
More information HERE.

Lendistry has a number of special programs  and loans available to qualified business owners and entrepreneurs. More information HERE

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