July 2022 Newsletter - Cut to the chase! What do you have to gain?

July 2022 Newsletter - Cut to the chase! What do you have to gain?

July 2022 Newsletter - Cut to the chase! What do you have to gain?

July 2022 Newsletter - Cut to the chase! What do you have to gain?

There’s a lot more to gain than you think.. (No cliché ‘What do you have to lose?‘ bits here). When you are showing up all in, upfront, and in alignment with doing what you say you're going to do – you are guaranteed to learn, grow, and gain beyond measure, sooner than later. And isn’t time the one thing we never have enough of?

How many of us programmatically answer ‘good’ the second we hear, “Hi – how are you?” even if we feel hella crappy that day or we’re going through tough times personally? How many of us don’t say or do what we should when we should - because we fear feelings will be hurt, it’s not the right time, or we’re not brave enough to deal with consequences? Who are we helping in the long run? Certainly not ourselves, our businesses, or the people we lead…

What IF:

  • Vulnerability and honesty were more accessible? How could our connections and impact improve?

  • You were armed with data and strategies to gracefully navigate difficult conversations, so that you effectively and proactively hold those around you accountable?

  • The organization you are a part of had such a strong, team reinforced culture that deviation into inauthenticity and inefficiency would, like dominoes, resolve itself without you, saving you - their leader - time and effort?!

  • You no longer held back constructive criticism that could be helpful (it’s a long run people, and pretense or hope are not strategies!), but instead are skilled in delivering the good, the bad, whatever is needed at the time to drive things forward while improving team dynamics and your role as a leader? Confidence and commitment to company values allowed you to purge less than ideal clients and employees as needed - so that your organization continuously improves to the point where it is valued in line with your expertise and contributions? What you do will be less of a chore and more of an inspiration. The ‘never work a day in your life if you’re doing what you love’ can be a real thing!

If this piques your interest or puts a little pep in your step – good! BPR has got your back on the strategy and tools to get lean and effective. Hit us up if you need, want, and are receptive to getting your Financial, Operational, People, and Cultural strategies and processes dialed in. As well as help in building effective initiatives (and related metrics) so that your business is doing and making more in less time! In the interim – we’re sharing resources and spotlighting partners below to kick things off for you.

- Jessica Hornbeck, CEO & The BPR Team
Email Us 


Pricing Model

BPR has a plug and play pricing model that will dictate the impact of pricing changes on your bottom line! We’re including this as an add on for existing clients.

BPR Business Development and Coaching

From ironing out legal agreements that protect your business, to vetting and safeguarding against Vendors over charging and underdelivering, or ensuring you’re not left unpaid for work completed, our team and partners are available to proactively consult as you need! Do not wait until there’s an issue...

Best Practices
Keys to recession proof your business

  • Preserve Cash Flow

  • Diversify Income Streams

  • Find Customers (Marketing)

Here’s a helpful article from SCORE that mentions according to the latest Small Business Recovery Report, issued last week, 83% of small business owners are concerned a recession is coming soon.

BPR & Partner Resources

Now’s a good time as ever to review your existing policies. More recently, we saved one of our long-standing clients over $18k/yr on their Workers Comp policy thanks to due diligence by TJ Jeremiah at Shorebreak Insurance! Shorebreak Insurance services provides all lines of coverage to individuals and small to medium sized businesses in California. For more information, LINK HERE.


Most small businesses <50 Employees are over paying on payroll fees. Ask us how you can save upwards of $2k+/year by making a move from the big box payroll providers.


Our CEO Jessica Hornbeck will be discussing the top KPIs to keep an eye on during next week’s webinar with Founders First. Clients – look out for BPR’s slide deck in your inbox!

Cash Flow and Capital Resources
Grant Consulting Services, LLC Grant Consulting Services, LLC

Specializes in assisting non-profit and for-profit organizations to meet their goals and objectives through professional grant development services. Over the past 22 years, they have worked with organizations worldwide to increase their revenue with grant funding. CEO Valerie Grant is a trusted colleague and friend so let us know if you want an introduction. LINK HERE.

Things to Consider in applying for Biz Loan, what Lenders look for:


The Accelerate(HER) Fund sponsored by Tiger Global Impact Ventures in partnership with Hello Alice and Global Entrepreneurship Network will provide grants up to $50,000 to support women entrepreneurs building breakthrough technologies that have a demonstrated need for funding to reach the next stage of growth. Application deadline is August 5, 2022. LINK HERE.

Credit Cards

Leverage your healthy (personal) credit scores in securing a 0% balance transfer to pay off debt over a longer horizon, interest free. These must be paid off before the balance transfer term expires, or you will be on the hook for double digit interest rates on the entire balance.

Line of Credit 

For those businesses in good standing, you’re on the hook for interest only on what you draw. This is a great revolving option for those business owners with a great credit score and no prior bankruptcies.

Founders First Capital Partners

Prepares and invests in under-represented PoC and women owned businesses. Find out more info on their pitch contests, grants, and bootcamps: HERE 

Smart Biz Loans

Fast turnaround times on SBA 7(a) or bank term loans. More information HERE.

CDC Small Business Finance

An SBA lender, non-profit and advocate for entrepreneurs: LINK HERE 

QBO Capital 

Offers short to long term financing tied to your QBO merchant account, fast, easy, capital based on what you process.
More Information: HERE
Schedule Link: HERE

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