June 2022 Newsletter: Can your business weather another storm?

June 2022 Newsletter: Can your business weather another storm?

June 2022 Newsletter: Can your business weather another storm?

June 2022 Newsletter: Can your business weather another storm?

Our sweet (and aging) dog, as we speak is undergoing ACL surgery (yep, that’s a thing for pups too..) after trying to keep up with a much younger, more active pup. I’ve been chewing on two important lessons as I witness the pain and resilience that we wo(man)’s best friend is going through. The Crst is one we all struggle with as the years roll by – there is always someone better, stronger, and smarter than you. That’s ok! It doesn’t mean you have to try to keep up, nor play in circles where you are so outside of your comfort zone that it’s going to break you. Comparison as we all know, is a killer to self-confidence and not a productive use of your time or energy. Easier said than done, so here’s a spoonful of reality to make it go down easier (a personal mantra of mine) – someone has always got it worse than you. Be grateful, mindful and celebratory of the value you bring to the table.

The second lesson is there will always be something that brings disruption to an otherwise somewhat predictable life. For those of us who brave the path of entrepreneurship and being a leader, running a business comes with its fair share of setbacks, learning opportunities, and ‘failing forward’ moments, months and at times - years. We have a choice: to either be brought to our knees, or continue hobbling along on one leg until things improve. What is critical however, until things improve, is runway, cash Now, capital to help you weather the storm. We’ve seen the impact of the pandemic on many businesses unable to keep their head above water, predominantly impacting certain industries such as food service, and those where demand is elastic, because of their inability to preserve and manage cash, the life blood of every business.

In our efforts to both inspire and empower our small business community with real talk and resources, we’re sharing below the latest on capital resources. If you need to strategize ways to implement capital so that you’re getting maximum ROI, hit us up, we are here to help, always in all ways!

- Jessica Hornbeck, CEO & The BPR Team

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Start Ups

Start Ups are being founded at unprecedented rates and BPR is here to help!

In addition to our robust Accounting + Advisory platforms, we are now offering a package that meets the needs and budget of companies that have been previously been priced out of our services.

We practice what we preach and are committed to supporting the New Majority as they begin the entrepreneurial journey!

Interested in learning more about BPR services?
Click HERE to book a Discovery Chat


Important Deadline for Small Business Owners – June 30, 2022


BPR highly recommends this app to stay on top of sent emails, reads, etc. before you follow up. For more information: HERE.

Credit Cards

Leverage your healthy (personal) credit scores in securing a 0% balance transfer to pay off debt over a longer horizon, interest free. These must be paid off before the balance transfer term expires, or you will be on the hook for double digit interest rates on the entire balance.

Line of Credit

For those businesses in good standing, you’re on the hook for interest only on what you draw. This is a great revolving option for those business owners with a great credit score and no prior bankruptcies.

Vista Chamber of Commerce COVID-19 grant program,

For those businesses that experienced hardship as a result of the pandemic, funds still available: HERE.

Founders First Capital Partners Founders First Capital Partners

Prepares and invests in under-represented PoC and women-owned businesses. Find out more info on their pitch contests, grants, and bootcamps: HERE

Also offers Revenue Based Financing. Learn what that means and find out if you’re ‘fundable’, here’s the blog post: HERE

Hello Alice

Our favorite resource for specific grant opportunities.

  • Anteres REACH Grant Program – providing up to $20k to small businesses, with an emphasis on preparing for their next stage of growth; operated by historically underrepresented entrepreneurs; and providing important community services. Revenues <$5M/year. More information: HERE.

  • Round Two of the 2022 Small Business Growth Fund, $5k grant LINK HERE

CDC Small Business Finance CDC Small Business Finance

An SBA lender, non-profit and advocate for entrepreneurs: LINK HERE

Smart Biz Loans Smart Biz Loans

Fast turnaround times on SBA 7(a) or bank term loans. More information HERE.

QBO Capital

Offers short to long-term Cnancing tied to your QBO merchant account, fast, easy, capital based on what you process.
More Information: HERE
Schedule Link: HERE

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