Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching

Big Picture Results Leadership Coaching

Big Picture Results Leadership Coaching is available starting at $1,000 monthly* or $10,000 Annually
*3 months minimum, next availability; July 2022 for Quarterly or Annual program.

We will begin with an assessment and develop a detailed timeline-based game plan. Then, we will work through Vision & Strategy, People, Accountability, and Results by delving deeper into concepts such as limiting beliefs, values, culture, and habits. Let’s take your already profitable business further, set the stage for capital access, and tap into our network/community for collaborative and synergistic alliances.

We help clients clarify their company’s vision, strategy, and culture and support them in finding the right people for the right roles. An ongoing dialogue tied to Accountability and Alignment, and Vision and Strategy, will drive results functionally and add more to your bottom line. We will also explore the alignment of your customers and teams to your overall Strategy and Vision, shedding light on how important it is to pre-qualify so that you are avoiding disruption and inefficiencies wherever possible.

We are adept at brainstorming, talking through difficult situations, exploring opportunities, negotiation, and strategic business development. We guarantee we’ll leave you with a nugget after each interaction, an improved strategy, and a practical and inspiring action plan for long-term growth and success.

rats3898 none https://www.google.com/search?q=big+picture+results&source=hp&ei=d9QAYvbFIcSsmAWt-JnQBw&iflsig=AHkkrS4AAAAAYgDih1QcxkGngTzJZjAyBn19-aRjyJGZ&gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0zDJLKTZPMjE1YLRSNaiwMEhJNjdOsUi1NEg2s0g2tTKoMEuzMDUyNTQySTFPSTZONvYSTspMVyjITC4pLUpVKEotLs0pKQYAC5AWTQ&oq=Big+Picture+Results&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYADILCC4QgAQQxwEQrwEyBQgAEIAEMgYIABAWEB46DggAEOoCELQCENkCEOUCUK8BWK8BYJQVaAFwAHgAgAF8iAF8kgEDMC4xmAEAoAECoAEBsAEI&sclient=gws-wiz#lrd=0x80dc73d8e90c68c5:0x6f8525124d7dc3c3,3,,, https://goo.gl/maps/NvBhZXKqxH2Wf16D7 https://bigpictureresults.sharefile.com https://calendly.com/jessica_zoraida/discovery-chat-20-mins?back=1&month=2025-03 https://calendly.com/jessica_zoraida/strategysession?back=1&month=2024-06