BPR May 2023 Newsletter - May is Mental Health Month

BPR May 2023 Newsletter - May is Mental Health Month

BPR May 2023 Newsletter - May is Mental Health Month

BPR May 2023 Newsletter - May is Mental Health Month

May is Mental Health month. Top of mind for me is vulnerability, connection, and grace - for ourselves and for others. For those of us that have been or remain in survival mode, we know all too well that the armor we had/have to wear prevents us from achieving these ideal states of being. Add to that - society’s obsession with productivity, achieving financial wealth, and the bogus realities that serve as our comparisons. No wonder we are in a mental health crisis.

As a formerly jaded, ready to put up her dukes Bronx, NY native who is shaking off those last few links of armor, I laugh at how easy and enjoyable it is to now make friends wherever I go.

One of my new recent friends, is Yasoja - a Sri Lankan gentleman who shared with us his story of leaving his family behind because of violence and lack of growth opportunities. My partner and I were blown away by Yasoja's vulnerability, his loneliness, and the impact of what he so gracefully expressed. We learned both he and his wife (still in Sri Lanka) held various degrees including MBAs and were beyond qualified for either of our US based company standards. Humble isn’t enough to begin to describe this bright, gentle soul’s sacrifice for a better future by working a job that doesn’t do him the justice he deserves.

Needless to say, we are continuing the conversation on how we can help our deserving new friend. I am grateful and invite you to try out what is a new skill for me. Leading with an open heart for oneself and for others, invites in connection and grace. Doesn’t that sound richer than the pre-programmed response given when asked, “Hi, How are you?”! In honor of this month, we’re Spotlighting peeps we’re both committed and excited to work with, and our Resources section is dedicated to mental health.

Our door is always open - Jessica Hornbeck, CEO and the BPR Team

BPR – An Accounting and Tax company that champions process, systems, and strategy so that our small business clients are bringing more to the bottom line - in less time!

Book an intro chat HERE to discuss filing your 2022 Tax Returns (Fed/State) and/or whether you qualify for the ERTC (flat rate fee). 

Retroactive ERTC

Employers may claim the 2020 ERTC until April 15, 2024, and the 2021 ERTC until April 15, 2025, up to three years after the original payroll taxes were due. We can file (AMENDED) Quarterly 941-X.  Even if you received the PPP, you may be eligible! 

Please note: Biden has recently announced an official end to the pandemic, which may impact these deadlines.


Resources - In Honor of Mental Health Month 


April was dedicated to doing the things that scare you.  EVEN if you’re not immediately successful or only got part way there, it’s essential to give yourself a pat on the back and acknowledge the wins, even the small ones! 

Take care of and celebrate your People and Teams!

In addition to intra-team recognition bonus programs such as Bonusly, consider how else you can reward your peeps.  One of our faves is closing every other Fridays for a Wellness Day. Feel free to use this OOO email template to let your Customers know - HERE. 

Here’s one of our tried-and-true mantras that will create more space for you - 

Our People Spotlight - Team, Clients & Partners

Happy Mother’s Day! (Sunday, May 14th)

  • We see (and love) you, stay at home/working moms!  >60% of the Big Picture Result’s team are mothers (and rockstars)! 

  • Big Picture launched over a decade ago with the decision that being both a Mom AND an Entrepreneur committed to big vision and impact is not only possible but necessary!

  • One of BPR’s core values is to support mothers in their professional careers without compromising family and work/life balance.


Accounting Day (May 19th)

  • Did you know that the number of young people going for accounting degrees is on a major decline over the last decade?

  • BPR is doing our part!  We are actively bringing awareness, education and enthusiasm to Entrepreneurship and Accounting.  Our most recent effort is working with Vista High School’s new internship and Entrepreneur education programs, with local Colleges on the horizon!

  • We encourage fellow small biz owners to open up your workplace to the younger generation and are happy to share our pre-qualifying interview and prep processes, just ask!

Cash Flow, Capital Resources & Small Biz Topics

Big Picture Results


You may not know that BPR has several ways we invest in PoC and Women owned (100%) Start-Ups ranging from subsidized strategic business planning to direct equity investment (must be a C or S-Corp looking for $10k-$25k with a solid biz plan). 

Serious inquiries only, pls complete our web form HERE.  

Is showing up for small biz, especially those that need it most. Check out what loan programs you may qualify for HERE. 

Progressive driving Small Business Forward Fund (Grant)
Up to $25k for auto purchases for Black business owners, open until June 2nd.


Accion Opportunity Fund
Low interest rates for this small business loan program partnered with AMEX.


Founders First Capital Partners 
Prepares and invests in under-represented PoC and women owned businesses. Find out more info on their pitch contests, grants, and bootcamps HERE.

Our CEO, Jessica Hornbeck enjoys being a subject matter expert on Financial Statements and KPIs for this impact making cohort.

CDC Small Business Finance
An SBA lender, non-profit and advocate for entrepreneurs


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