SWOT Analysis for Your Business

SWOT Analysis for Your Business

SWOT Analysis for Your Business

SWOT Analysis for Your Business

SWOT - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats. A SWOT Analysis of your business is a great way to identify what's working and what could use some streamlining. A SWOT Analysis, such as the one above, is a quick and easy tool to take an inventory of your business and help strategize a plan to set yourself up for growth and success. Click on the image to download the template shown.

Interested in learning more on the SWOT Analysis and why it's important? We recommend tuning into SCORE's webinar, Business SWOT Analysis Fundamentals-An Easy Way to Ensure Your Business Succeeds. SCORE is an organization that offers mentoring and education for Small Businesses provided by volunteers and expert business mentors. There are tons of free workshops and on-demand courses available on SCORE'S website.

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