



We've Helped Many Businesses Succeed

We Know How to Look at Your Business and Provide Solutions That Last

Big Picture saved my life. My old accountant had messed things up terribly, not reporting correctly to the IRS for the last two years, and I had received a letter stating I owed 12K to them. After meeting with BPR, I felt they could do the job. They were kind, understanding and amazing to work with. After hours and hours of going back over the past mistakes that were made, they were able to clean up and set up my business (and personal) financial life so it was correct. I did NOT owe more taxes, in fact I ended up getting a refund. It was a huge job to go back over bad records from 2-3 years and correct them, but they did it. BPR is extremely professional while being approachable and just wonderful to work with. They were supportive of me going through this ordeal while correcting all the mistakes as it was very stressful and frightening getting letters from the IRS. I’m excited about going forward with Big Picture Results. Jessica is a great businesswoman herself and is inspiring to boot.”​​​​​​​

Airie McCready

SLINX Concepts, viral retail Sphynx cat garments and products

Any entrepreneur or business owner knows that an intelligent approach to bookkeeping is critical to the growth and success of any new business or startup. That's exactly why I'm so fortunate to have found Big Picture Results. A simple look at their credentials will let you know immediately they're a cut above the rest in terms of skills and education, but what you might not know is how hard they work for clients to ensure their success. In addition to their excellent work in managing our books, they've referred us to a network of business partners that have helped us grow our company and receive the guidance to make good business decisions. If you're looking for a team who is as passionate about your business as you are, you owe it to yourself to hire Jessica and her team to become part of your team. They've proven to be a great asset for us and I'm sure they will be for your business as well.”​​​​​​​

George Young

Case Legal Media, San Diego, CA

Thank you for the feedback and it's been pretty amazing (for me at least) seeing this all come together. Thank YOU for being such a great person to work with with as well. Very excited about the future!

I just looked through the FY 2017 FINAL reporting and I'm impressed at all the detail. Wow, I can actually see where our money is being spent! I've always had an idea of where everything goes in my head and I'm not that far off but it's definitely something else to see it on paper. Thanks again for all the work you and your team put in. Definitely looking forward to working with you more and continuing to improve our business."​​​​​​​

Robert Cruz

Car Audio Care, San Diego, CA

"So I had my tax appointment today with Javier. He LOVED your organization and the spreadsheets—he said it was fantastic. So thank you for doing such a good job! I think you really made it easy for him to dig into the numbers. He also confirmed that I’m getting a very good service for the price that I’m paying—so thanks again!"

The Law Office of Kevin Lemieux

San Diego, CA

"It is a great pleasure working with Big Picture Results. It seems rare to find someone who can handle complex subjects in an organized and efficient manner, all the while maintaining good relations with everyone involved. They have been great with planning and execution of tasks, and have been very patient with others when the situation required it. Being bi-lingual has been a bonus for us, being able to communicate information of a complex nature equally well in more than one language. BPR is a great asset for our company."

Raymond Wahoff

President, BumperDoc Franchises, San Diego, CA

"Big Picture Results is amazing! They have made things so easy for me. They are easy to talk to and so helpful with all my questions. Plus a bonus, Jessica is bilingual and great for for me and my husband as he prefers Spanish.""Si usted necesita ayuda con la contabilidad de su negocio Jessica es la persona indicada es bilingüe, amable, fácil de comunicarse con ella y le contesta todas sus preguntas."

Aracelis Gutierrez

Founder, We Klean So You Don't Have To, Escondido, CA

"Big Picture Results has been a godsend for my business. I was swimming in numbers and they helped me see in clear, concise steps where I was spending things and where I needed to pay attention. BPR has a great way of making sense of a lot of data and then handling all the little pieces I don't want to faster and better than I could. These days, who needs someone in the same town? They are very prompt in responding to all my questions, and takes the time during our meetings to help me feel confident and comfortable with the numbers side of my business."

Bec Conant

Founder and Director Om Births, Greater Boston area

"Big Picture Results was great helping me learn QuickBooks Online and organize the accounting of my psychotherapy practice. I highly recommend them!"

Dr. C

New York, NY

"Big Picture Results has been a source of sanity for me since I started my nutrition practice. Between helping me personalize my Quickbooks, doing quarterly reconciliations, and explaining bookkeeping concepts that make my brain hurt, they have made themselves indispensable to my business. As a bonus, they are super responsive, anticipates my needs, and are lovely people I enjoy speaking with."

Jenna Hollenstein

Founder, Eat to Love Nutrition Therapist, New York, NY

"Big Picture Results has been a critical resource in establishing my business by ensuring our accounting is accurate and organized. BPR is intelligent, detailed, organized and dependable. I look forward to their continued assistance and do not hesitate to recommend them for strategic, bookkeeping, accounting and consulting services. Additionally, they are effective educators and a pleasure to work with."

Aaron Pletz

Owner, Pletz Handcrafted Modern Lighting, Brooklyn, NY

"Working with Jessica Hornbeck at the NYC Business Solutions, Brooklyn Center was such a pleasure. Jessica is a true professional and a wonderful Quickbooks instructor. Jessica was instrumental in the development of new business courses at the Center such as Advanced Business Financial Management and QuickBooks Quick Review. During the time that Jessica taught at the Center, she was one of my top instructors. In demand by students and colleagues at other NYC Business Solutions Centers throughout NYC."

Chantal Lawrence

Course Coordinator, NYC Business Solutions, Brooklyn, NY

"During Jessica's instructor tenure in our program she assisted the students in mastering all of the above, as well as ten-key-by-touch, business math, Microsoft Office, bank reconciliations, journal entries, financial statements, customer invoicing, bill paying, payroll, account analysis, filing and organization techniques, communication skills, basic business law, sales and payroll taxes, and much more.

Jessica was one of our top instructors who consistently performed at an outstanding level. All of her students loved learning from her as she was very student-oriented, caring, and patient. She is very intelligent and she has an excellent understanding of accounting principles, concepts, and procedures such that she was able to easily pass on her knowledge to our students."

William Setterlund

President, The Accounting Academy, San Diego, CA

"Big Picture Results is organized, knowledgable, and extremely efficient in handling our company's finances. Their communication is excellent and they seamlessly work in to our team. BPR has been invaluable to my company."

Erika Bloom

Founder and Owner, Erika Bloom Pilates Plus, New York, NY

"Jessica and her team have done a great job getting our books and finances on track."

Aaron Gobidas

Local Guide

"We have always had to file extensions because the books were not quite ready. I am very happy that since Big Picture Results has been doing the books for my businesses the returns have been filed on time. I am also able to manage the business operations much better since I have up to date and accurate financials. Big Picture Results have helped us navigate through covid and all of the ppp processing. Thank you Big Picture Results team."

Robert Pimenta

Account Manager at Comtello

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